Welcome to Covet.pics

Getting the app

Download the Covet.pics app from Shopify's App Store if you haven't already. Click Get and then Install App.

Add photos to galleries

  1. When you open for the first time, you'll be presented with two options: Add Instagram Account or Manual Upload

Connect to Instagram

  1. After selecting the Add Instagram Account button, you will be sent to your Configure Channels tab. This is where you will select your feeds and adjust settings for how images are pulled from Instagram.
  2. If you can't already see a Facebook account, click the Authenticate Facebook Account button and follow the instructions. If you need more help with this step, see this guide: Connect to Instagram and Facebook

Add images to galleries

  1. Once you have a Facebook account with an Instagram account, you should be able to see all these on the Instagram Sources tab. Now you have two options:

         a) Click Add + to pull from your @username feed

         a.i) In the popup, choose your feed from the drop-down list and then choose either Automatic or Manual for both Feed Photos and Tagged Photos.

Feed photos are images you have uploaded to your Instagram account. Tagged photos are posts from other Instagram accounts that have tagged your @username on their image (not in the description)

        b) Click Add Instagram Hashtag to pull images from a hashtag

        b.1) In the popup, choose either Automatic or Manual.

Pulling images from a hashtag will only give you images uploaded in the 24 hours prior to creating your gallery but will save them from this point forward.

The Automatic and Manual buttons give you the option to easily accept all photos or hide them and approve which photos you'd like in the gallery afterwards. Manual is better for users with lots of images that they want to pick and choose from.

  1. Click Save Gallery in the top right corner and you will be redirected to the gallery moderation page. If you see a "Missing Images?" message or can't see any images, wait a few minutes then click the Reload Now button or refresh your browser.

Choose final images

You should now see the images in a grid that Covet.pics is pulling from Instagram. 
From here you can hide images that you don't want to show by hovering over the image and clicking Reject. 

The hidden images will show as greyed out. If you made a mistake, simply hover over the image again and click Approve