If there was a connection issue, you may need to refresh your gallery to sync missing images.

Method 1

  1. Open Covet.pics and click your gallery in the left menu
  2. Ensure you are on the Manage Photos tab
  3. Click the Sync Images button in the toolbar
  4. Wait 15 minutes - refresh the entire webpage

Method 2

If the first method does not work, you may need to go one step further.

  1. Open Covet.pics and click your gallery in the left menu
  2. Click into the Configure Channels tab
  3. Hover over your feed and click the X button to delete the feed (This will not delete any images)
  4. Click Save Changes
  5. In the Configure Channels tab, add your feed again (This will pull any missing images)
  6. Wait up to 15 minutes